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West Bengal: Strong Hindu Retaliation against Jihadi Temple Desecration in Dhupguri.

Temple Desecration in Dhupguri

TMC goons behind the scene?

Temple desecrated by Jihadis in WB’s Dhupguri. Hindus retaliated heavily. Communal tension erupts. 

Arnab Dey Sarkar | HENB | Jalpaiguri | May 18, 2024:: As  the Jihadi miscreants vandalised some temples in Dhupguri in WB’s northern district Jalpaiguri and broke the idol of Maa Kali and Grahraj Devta and left those on the roadsides last night, the majority of the Hindu community of the Moronga-Chowpathi-Khaligram areas  strongly retaliated and reportedly vandalised a Mosque   today.

Through its X handle, WB BJP conveyed a high concern saying, “Shocking and outrageous attack on Hindu temples in Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal! Extremists have desecrated 3 temples, including Maa Durga Mandir and Graha Raja Shani Maharaj Mandir. This violent act is a direct consequence of TMC’s relentless appeasement politics, which perpetually endangers the Hindu community. Local residents are rightfully protesting against this blatant aggression. We demand immediate and uncompromising justice!”

Dhupguri BJP Tweet

Local sources say that the Muslim goons sheltered in the TMC party allegedly hatched the conspiracy to desecrate the Hindu temples only to demoralise the Hindu resident of the locality.  But they did not estimate such a huge Hindu retaliation over the attack on Hindu Temples.

The Hindus of the area came out of the street and pelted stones to the houses of Muslim goons, burst crackers and allegedly vandalised a Mosque in retaliation. A situation of communal tension erupted instantly.

The local Hindus vehemently protested against the incident and  blocked a highway, demanding strict action against the accused without delay.

The activists Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal also demanded immediate arrest of the culprits and strictest punishment to the Jihadi elements connected with the desecration of Hindu temples.

A heavy police contingent has been deployed in the area to maintain peace.

__Inputs from Agencies.

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