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Nepal Election. At least Hindu people of Nepal rejected Anti Hindu Prachand and Maoist politics.

Hindu Franchise.

Nepali Congress wins most votes in elections.

Jubilant Nepali People of Hindu Tradition

Jubilant Nepali People of Hindu Tradition

BBC |  KATHMANDU | 28 November 2013:: The centrist Nepali Congress party won the most votes in last week’s general elections, latest results announced on Thursday show.

The Maoists – who formed the single largest party in the previous Constituent Assembly – have been relegated to third place.

They have complained that the results have been systematically rigged.

The vote is seen as vital in moving Nepal towards political stability after a 10-year Maoist revolt ended in 2006.

Final results in the vote – conducted through a mixture of direct voting and proportional representation – are expected over the weekend.

The previous assembly – elected in 2008 after the abolition of the monarchy – was won by the former rebels. But the Constituent Assembly (CA) was bitterly divided and failed to write a new constitution.

The Congress party has said that it may now form a government of national unity that would include the Maoists and the Communist Party of Nepal (UML) which came second in the vote.

On Thursday, the Election Commission said counting of votes under the proportional representation system had been completed. It said that the Nepali Congress party had won more than 2.4 million votes while the Maoists had won about 1.4 million votes.

Experts say that the Nepali Congress has won about 200 seats in the 601-member CA while the Maoists will only get about 80 seats.

The UML has won about 175 seats, ahead of the pro-monarchy Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal and about nine parties which represent the Madeshi community in the south.

Officials said that more than 70% of the 12 million eligible Nepalese voters cast their ballots in the elections held on 19 November.

They said Nepal might have to wait for least at another two months to get a new government.  Click Here>>Complete Reading Courtesy: BBC.

Related Reading: Nepal vote likely to end in coalition, instability:: TOI. PR vote count concludes; NC, UML remain top two partie:: Nepal News. Pro-monarchy party set to become fourth largest in Nepal:: The Hindu. About to be Rooted Out: Maoists routed in Nepal elections:: The Nataion Pak. Not a Wise Decision: Victorious Nepali Congress party tries to woo Maoists for stability:: Yahoo.

The Nepalese U-Maoists-the Anti Hindu Forces & Madhesi have Got Fizzle out from the CA Election.

By Dirgha Raj Prasai. 

Nepal Election details

261829_1836462427540_771920_nNepal is a sovereign ancient nation with its traditional identity. Nepal is known as the place from where world civilization started. The Maoists’ party and Madhesi have been trying to divide the nation by advocating federalism by the hints of the Indian Intelligence Agency RAW. But, the Maoist and Madhesi have got fizzle out in the election. The Maoist leader Prachanda has lost his position in Kathmandu booth in the 2nd CA election and he said that he and his party do not accept the results of the election. Nepal has languished in political deadlock since the Maoists laid down arms seven years ago, with six governments failing to forge a constitution. Nepal’s giant neighbours, India and China, as well as western donors, have grown increasingly concerned about the prolonged struggle to build a stable nation may be to replace the Nepal’s old monarchy. Without effective government with constitutional, the country can’t save its sovereignty and not to be able to utilize the natural resources and develop internal production.

In this election, Congress and UML have got top votes challenging the ‘One Madhes, one Pradesh’ Limbuwan, Khambuwan and ethnic-based federalism including the U-Maoist’s notorious egoistic challenges. We know, the leaders of Congress, UML are also almost corrupts and traitors. The Congress leaders- Sher Bahadur Deuwa, Ram Chandra Paudel, Krishna Sitoula and UML leaders- Madhavb Nepal, Jhalanath, Subash Nembang, Bamdev Gautam are corrupts and no so good. The Congress and UML’s corrupted regime had created the Maoists’ war. After all, it became the people’s compulsion to chase away these anarchists and ethnic based federalists. Then, it became necessary to vote among the evil elements of Congress and UML also. Now and then, we hope, the Congress, UML will join their hands with the nationalist forces like-RPP-Nepal for the stability and unity among the Nepalese people.

Read also:  Nepal’s Hindu undercurrent: The Telegraph.

In Newly Secular Nepal, Votes for Hinduism: WSJ.

Nepal makes second attempt at forming constitution: The Hindu.

Return of monarchy and ‘Hindu nation tag’ are election issues in Nepal: Hindustan Times.

It is necessary to point that RAW has been defaming ‘INDIA’. The Maoists, who revolt to overthrow the Nepalese monarchy and Hindu nation by the hints of RAW, emerged as the single-largest party during the last CA election (2008). But during this year CA election, while the vote counting was in progress during midnight of 20th Nov 2013, the anti-Maoist parties- Congress and UML was in leading position at almost all the CA seats then the Maoist uttered an immediate end of vote counting and a review of the whole process of the election. The U-Maoist would be boycotted before the CA election. After 24 hours, The Madhesi parties also followed the path of U-Maoist boycotting the vote counting after losing the seat of CA election. But, after 36 hours, the Maoist Prachanda is elected from Seraha and Upendra Yadhav and Bijaya Gachhedar are elected in another booth. Then, why they are going to boycott? It is very shameful for Nepalese voters and the international communities to hear such news.

The Nepalese U-Maoists-the Anti Hindu Forces & Madhesi have Got Fizzle out from the CA Election

By Dirgha Raj Prasai

Nepal is a sovereign ancient nation with its traditional identity. Nepal is known as the place from where world civilization started. The Maoists’ party and Madhesi have been trying to divide the nation by advocating federalism by the hints of the Indian Intelligence Agency RAW. But, the Maoist and Madhesi have got fizzle out in the election. The Maoist leader Prachanda has lost his position in Kathmandu booth in the 2nd CA election and he said that he and his party do not accept the results of the election. Nepal has languished in political deadlock since the Maoists laid down arms seven years ago, with six governments failing to forge a constitution. Nepal’s giant neighbors, India and China, as well as western donors, have grown increasingly concerned about the prolonged struggle to build a stable nation may be to replace the Nepal’s old monarchy. Without effective government with constitutional, the country can’t save its sovereignty and not to be able to utilize the natural resources and develop internal production.

In this election, Congress and UML have got top votes challenging the ‘One Madhes, one Pradesh’ Limbuwan, Khambuwan and ethnic-based federalism including the U-Maoist’s notorious egoistic challenges. We know, the leaders of Congress, UML are also almost corrupts and traitors. The Congress leaders- Sher Bahadur Deuwa, Ram Chandra Paudel, Krishna Sitoula and UML leaders- Madhavb Nepal, Jhalanath, Subash Nembang, Bamdev Gautam are corrupts and no so good. The Congress and UML’s corrupted regime had created the Maoists’ war. After all, it became the people’s compulsion to chase away these anarchists and ethnic based federalists. Then, it became necessary to vote among the evil elements of Congress and UML also. Now and then, we hope, the Congress, UML will join their hands with the nationalist forces like-RPP-Nepal for the stability and unity among the Nepalese people.

It is necessary to point that RAW has been defaming ‘INDIA’. The Maoists, who revolt to overthrow the Nepalese monarchy and Hindu nation by the hints of RAW, emerged as the single-largest party during the last CA election (2008). But during this year CA election, while the vote counting was in progress during midnight of 20th Nov 2013, the anti-Maoist parties- Congress and UML was in leading position at almost all the CA seats then the Maoist uttered an immediate end of vote counting and a review of the whole process of the election. The U-Maoist would be boycotted before the CA election. After 24 hours, The Madhesi parties also followed the path of U-Maoist boycotting the vote counting after losing the seat of CA election. But, after 36 hours, the Maoist Prachanda is elected from Seraha and Upendra Yadhav and Bijaya Gachhedar are elected in another booth. Then, why they are going to boycott? It is very shameful for Nepalese voters and the international communities to hear such news.

I think, RAW has imposed to boycott the CA counting to terrorize Nepal because the Indian notorious Intelligence Agency- RAW Chief Aalok Joshi is in Kathmandu investing money and equipments to the Maoists and Madhesi. I think, if India does not dismiss RAW-the conspirator institution, Indian can break. We Nepalese people hate the RAW’s nefarious activities. So, I request to the Indian government to dismiss the notorious Agency-RAW who is creating defaming India day by day. due to the RAW’s nefarious activities. So, I request to the Indian government to quit such notorious Agency-RAW who is creating defaming India day by day.

In that context, Nepal’s chief election commissioner said-’I urge all political parties, media, and observers to show restraint until the final results from the counting come,’ European Union observers said voting had been conducted in “an orderly and generally calm atmosphere”. Former US president Jimmy Carter, who led a separate monitoring team, said he was very disappointed to hear that the Maoists had rejected the count and he called on them to respect the will of the electorate. “They must refrain from violent protest, and I urge them to allow the electoral process to continue,”

Actually, the 2nd CA election was not necessary in Nepal and itself it is unconstitutional. The parties could not format the new constitution in four years in the past CA. During the last seven years, the leaders of ruling parties-the so called republicans especially the U-Maoists seemed disoriented in institutionalizing the state organs. They have totally failed on all counts of national integrity and social harmony to maintain law and order to good governance to the country development and ignored the demand of common people. They are engaging in power politics for looting and earning the sate money undermining the democratic norms and values. Actually, due to the anarchist, dictatorial and non- political activities, the U-Maoists have got fizzle out.

Let is be, due to the recklessness and nonsense activities of the parties, the country is in dangerous position. If the elected 2nd CA members have sense of Nepalese nationality and democracy, to save Nepal it is necessary to keep its sovereignty intact, they should join their hands with monarchy restoring the Hindu nation.

Due to the looters and traitors’ regime since 2006, the situation of Nepal is in danger position. ‘Let the darkness of ignorance be replaced by the light of knowledge.’-(Sanskrit) This message is for every individual and enriches one’s own knowledge and enlightenment. We must make our efforts to illuminate ourselves, society and the country with the intellectual light. Nepal is now facing several problems like mistrust, conflict and confrontation. If we enrich our level of understanding, many of the problems would be automatically resolved. First of all, the traitors and corrupts from 2006, should be punished. Then, we Nepalese people can adjust our way of life prosperous keeping sovereignty intact reinstating the norms of 1990 constitution for the sake of Nepalese stability.

In the context of Nepal, in the absence of democratic constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system, Nepal can’t move. In Nepal, where nationalistic democratic norms with constitutional monarchy are widely respected, a democratic system is more likely to be characterized by greater freedom, more responsive government, predictable behavior, and successful conflict resolution. Actually, the dysfunctional attitude of culprit leaders thwarted the constitution making and is the result of illegitimate prolongation of the power for their benefits. The everlasting crisis is the result of the Maoist conspirator tactics, it continuing to be used by criminal gangs. So, due to the traitor’s regime, the government has no capability to control large scale eruption of violence. The 2nd CA also can’t format the constitution. So, to give the nation a solution the new 2nd elected CA must proposed and decide to implement the articles of 1990 constitution to honor the unchangeable provisions of constitutional monarchy with Hindu nation.

2 comments on “Nepal Election. At least Hindu people of Nepal rejected Anti Hindu Prachand and Maoist politics.

  1. Pradip Kumar Bandyopadhyay
    November 29, 2013

    This is nothing but Hindu-resurgence . This is an encouraging affair for the Hindus all over the world . True Hindus barring the secularist creatures will be happy .


  2. Confused
    December 2, 2013

    RAW funding Maoists in Nepal?
    Is there any reason to believe this story by Prasai?


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