Struggle for Hindu Existence

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An Open Letter to Narendra Modi about Delhi Defeat & United Hindu Electorate.


Dear Mr Prime Minister,

Hindu Lights.First let me tell you that many a times, I felt that some Divine Force was inspiring you – the way Sri Aurobindo said that Churchill was guided by Him to fight the Nazis…

But then, I have to say, as someone who travels extensively in India & has spent a lot of time in Delhi for the last 40 years (I have interviewed 7 Indian PM’s), that nothing much has changed. Your ministers are still as unreachable as the Congress ones, functioning in the same system with four layers of secretaries. Even if you have an important work – there is no way you can meet one of your ministers unless you have some pull. Your MP’s, as the Congress ones before them, once they come to Delhi, with their cars, bungalows, countless aides, and so many sycophants coming for favours, quickly lose sight of why they were elected. You need to send them BACK to their constituencies the way Mao Tse Tung sent back all his cadres to the countryside. Delhi is a microcosm of India and you seem to have lost there some of the Hindu electorate who voted for you UNITEDLY, from the Dalit to the businessmen. Some of us had seen this coming for a few months already.

You need to have around you people who will tell you what the mood of the people is – without ANY FEAR – for I have seen, even with gurus, that their followers always want to please them, flatter them and thus shield them from the truth. It is something inherent to the Hindu psyche. If this had been done, maybe we could have told you that the middle class and lower class Hindus who voted for you, want a change at the grass root level. They are not concerned about Obama and nuclear energy, or the way you are skillfully loosening the Chinese encircling grip, or the remarkable unifying of intelligence and their agencies you are doing with Mr Doval, but about the daily problems and the constant bribes that are asked by petty bureaucrats and policemen. I myself experience this in Maharashtra as I am asked bribes for getting permissions for a Museum, which is free, dedicated to Shivaji Maharaj and a sewa project!

Also they do not understand why you were so fiery and outspoken while campaigning – and now that you are elected, you do not seem any more to be promoting their Hindu causes. They cannot fathom, for instance in their simple minds, why you are being so friendly to Sonia Gandhi, who wanted you in prison or even dead – and why you are keeping away from those who supported you in your darkest hours, when nobody thought that you would become PM. These old friends of yours are still keeping quiet, out of respect for your work, but I know many who are bitter. The common Hindu man does not comprehend either why no one in your Government stands by reconversions of Christians or Muslims to Hinduism. During the last Tsunami, at least 10% of the Tamil Nadu fishermen were converted by Christian missionaries, using financial baits, such as free boats. I was there and SAW it. Or why when one of yours says that Hindus must produce more children, he is booed down. We know that Muslims produce seven to eight children per couple and in some areas of India they are now in majority and will NOT vote for you. It is true that there have been vandalizing of churches in Delhi, whether intentional, or just by some common thieves. But this is an old trick of Indian Christians to evoke sympathy from Obama and C° and bring pressure & discredit upon you. You should know better than that: Christians have been the aggressors in this country & the Pope still thinks that India is a fair target for mass conversions.

We understand that you must be the Prime Minister of all Indians and that you have to rise above sectarism, but there has to be in the public a perception that you are the PRIME MINISTER OF HINDUS BECAUSE IT IS THEY WHO VOTED FOR YOU – not the Muslims – whatever Ram Madhav told you before the Kashmir elections, which is going to be another thorn in your heel (and if you do not remove article 370 soon, most Hindus will lose faith in your government). To cultivate the Muslims, thinking that they will like you in the end, as Mr Vajpayee did, under the influence of the nice but misguided Suddeendhra Kulkarni, is not only a waste of time, but also may ALIENATE YOU HINDU VOTERS, whom you are going to need in four years again and at different state elections. Let the Muslims of India know that they possess the same rights as any Hindus, Sikhs or Christians, which they actually have, including total freedom of worship, that Hindus have neither in Bangladesh, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, but do not go out of your way to please them. When the common man of Delhi sees that you received Aamir Khan, whose film PK, is a deliberate insult to all Hindu gurus & Hindus, they think something is not right. Also they do not understand why so many Hindu gurus and activists such as sadhvi Pragya and Colonel Purohit, whose innocence has been proved, are still languishing in jail. Congress had no qualms in favouring their people and flouting all decent rules. This isn’t about ethics, but if your aim is just, dharmic, and I believe it is, it does not matter what means are used.

Francois GautierThe Congress got elected and elected again with mostly the Muslims votes, till Kejriwal came, You need to CULTIVATE THE HINDU ELECTORATE Sir, by making gestures, even if you let your people do them and stand back. And that has to be done QUICKLY. If they are convinced that you are working for them, you will have the two or even three terms you need to achieve a real Renaissance of India. Democracy is a beautiful but skewed system, easy to hijack by adharmic forces. To realise all the great things you have undertaken, YOU NEED A UNIFIED HINDU VOTE.

The trap now is to listen to the Media which says that your party lost in Delhi because of ‘communal’ reasons – vandalizing of churches, statements by your people about reconversions, or your so-called ten lakh suit. This will prod you and your government to go more secular, let go of more of the pledges you made for the Hindu cause during your campaign, the same way the Vajpayee Government veered away gradually from its Hindu ideals – and lost the elections to Sonia Gandhi.

But think of it like that: you got elected in May last year with a massive mandate BECAUSE of your dedicated, sincere and fiery HINDU promises. There is no reason why it should not work the same way now that you have the power. You need to stick by what your pledged Sir – whatever the Media, Obama, your bureaucrats or the Foreign Press says…

Namaste/ Francois Gautier.

F Gautier is a Journalist and Writer of International repute, has the versatility in History, Society and Spirituality. Disciple of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother transformed himself as a loving son of Bharat Mata. Gautier is also very close to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Many of his unique creations, his books, Arise O India, Har anand, 2000; India’s Self Denial Auroville Press, 2001; Rewriting Indian History, India Research Press, 2003; and A New History of India, Har Anand, 2008. He is the founder of CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ MUSEUM OF INDIAN HISTORY at Pune (Maharashtra)- 411 047. 

Courtesy: Gauiters blog.

4 comments on “An Open Letter to Narendra Modi about Delhi Defeat & United Hindu Electorate.

  1. Dirgha Raj Prasai
    February 18, 2015

    I also suggest to the PM of India- Narendra Modi

    The letter by Shri Upananda Brahmachari is very analytical which must be implemented by the BJP Govt. The PM Narendra Modi is a strong Hindu nationalist of India, then why he is not giving his attention to spread the greatness of Hinduism! Nepal and India are the original lands of Hinduism. The western renowned philosopher Voltaire, George Bernard Shaw, German scholar Nitse, Megasthaniz and Fai-Han has written many books supporting the Hindu philosophy expressing the evolutionary process of the world’s civilization. Hindu philosophy is incomparably greater intellectual work than the Bible?

    There is a misconception in some minds that Hindu scriptures sanction the caste system. But being based on Vedas, Hinduism does not permit any caste system, whatsoever. Vedas, the proud possession of mankind, are the foundation of Hinduism. Vedas are all-embracing, and treat the entire humanity with the same respect and dignity. Vedas speak of nobility of entire humanity (Krinvanto Vishvam Maryam), and do not sanction any caste system or birth based caste system. Mantra number 10-13-1 of Rig Veda addresses entire humanity as divine children (Shrunvantu vishve Amrutsya Putraha). Innumerable Mantras of Vedas emphasize one-ness, universal brotherhood, harmony, happiness, affection, unity and commonality of entire humanity. Rig Veda, the Divine Poet declares, “All men are brothers; no one is big, no one is small.

    ‘Hindu tradition is focused on similarities and shared traits rather than differences and exclusions. This makes its identity indefinable yet definite in its features. This means that despite its universalism there are a plethora of beliefs and practices that can be uniquely identified with Hinduism. Without doctrinal rigidity, the Hindu mind has engaged itself with questions that beleaguer the entire humankind rather than issues limited to Hindus.

    In the context of Nepal, Modi Govt. is not presenting his view to keep as it is the Hindu Kingdom and constitutional monarchy. Now, BJP is in government of India. We have to keep friendly relations with India due to our similar cultural and religious traditions. But, since 2005, the cordial situation is humiliating day by day between Nepal & India. The permanent institution- ‘Monarchy’ can put unites the cordial relation between Nepal, India and China. In between the two big neighbors-China & India, the monarchy had been playing a balanced role. In the absence of Monarch- RAW (India’s the Research and Analysis Wing) and CIA (Intelligence agency of America) approach their agendas to destroy the Nepalese identity, unity and the Chinese integration.

    From Nepal, We heartily congratulate Prime minister Sri Narendra Modi, a visionary leader. We believe Indo- Nepal relations will find new dimensions with new government of India. We are against any interference. But we always seek positive support and developmental cooperation. At this time, we are in crisis. All Nepali people want India be supportive in reinstating our lost pride-Hinduism and constitutional monarch. The Nepalese monarch always has goodwill with India. The fact is that the Nepalese monarchs held special right for carrying out ritualistic worship in many Hindu shrines and temples in India. Then, India’s Hindutwa also can be dignified.

    But, I think- Narendra Modi-the PM is trapped by RAW like Rakesh Sood and Nepal’s Ambassador- Ranjeet Rae who are working to exploit the BJP Govt. Then, we are worrying why the PM Narendra Modi is not boycotting the evil elements of south Block? With best wishes, I suggest- Narendra Modi- the PM of India must be given his attention to save busting the Hinduism in Nepal and India.
    Thank you
    Dirgha Raj Prasai


  2. Tilak Raj Mahatma
    February 22, 2015

    आप अपने अपडेट हिंदी में भेजें तो अच्छा रहेगा


    • hinduexistence
      February 25, 2015

      We will try to tag a Hindi Version for each post.


      Sr Moderator,
      Hindu Existence.


  3. R.S.Gadasalli
    March 20, 2015

    Dear Francois, excellent article. Yes, the old timers and people who stood by Mr Modi and the party during rain or shine have been neglected. Unless, mass toilets and roads are built in a big scale people in rural areas wont see changes. Media in India has become totally anti Hindu and pro christian as they are projecting even robbery cases as attacks on Christianity and finally they conclude by saying all these things have happened since BJp came to power. MPs and MlAs need to spend more time in their constituencies.Hindu forces should counter the propaganda by Muslims and church against the Hindu religion. The pedophile priests and their cases around the world should hit the media in India. Nuns getting raped, giving births secretly and leaving the children in foster homes should be leaked to the press adn media. All the unused lands by the Church in big cities should be taken over by govt for public use after paying compensation.The Visas for people coming to work with the missionaries in border areas should be restricted. it will also make sense how stray incidents hit headlines around the world attacking Hindus should be found out.


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