Struggle for Hindu Existence

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Islamic Havoc in Indian History and Plight of Hindus in Islamic Countries.

Islamic Havoc in Indian History by P N Oak.

Islamic Havoc in Indian History

Hindus in Islamic Countries by Dr B Suseelan.

One Line Post Script. Then why should we tolerate the Muslims around us? ~ Upananda Brahmachari. 

2 comments on “Islamic Havoc in Indian History and Plight of Hindus in Islamic Countries.

  1. Sujit Das
    May 22, 2013
  2. Surinder Attri
    May 23, 2013

    Subj: *Islamic Havoc in Indian History and Hindus in Islamic Countries.* *

    1. Quote: *

    *New post on Struggle for Hindu Existence *


    ***Islamic Havoc in Indian History and Hindus in Islamic Countries.*

    by *hinduexistence*

    Islamic Havoc in Indian History by P N Oak. Hindus in Islamic Countries by Dr B Suseelan. One Line Post Script. Then why should we tolerate the Muslims around us? ~ Upananda Brahmachari.

    Islamic Havoc in Indian History by P N Oak. Hindus in Islamic Countries by Dr B Suseelan. One Line Post Script. Then why should we tolerate the Muslims around us? ~ Upananda Brahmachari.

    2. COMMENT: P.N. Oak’s book does expose the fiendish-deeds of Islamic invaders in India, for over a thousand years..But it was not in India alone that, Moslems did their dirty work. They conducted their ceremony of Kafir-Murder ( murder of Non-Moslem Infidels ) elsewhere in the world too, with unparalleled terror & torture.

    3. It needs to be comprehended that, the Moslems are doing all these beastly-barbaric crimes, in the name of their Mohammad & Allah. Question: Do the Moslems have any conscience ? Answer: Moslems as such have no conscience at all. Moslems do have a dogma ( of Islam ) and dogma has no conscience. This dogma takes the place of conscience for a Moslem. This dogma does not deliver any enlightenment to any Moslem, but it does make his brain shrink.

    4. The story of beastly-barbaric cruelty & brutality of Islam, in India & other countries, needs to be thoroughly investigated & laid bare before the whole world, so that remaining Kafirs of the world, don’t become victims & casualties of Islam. It must be realized that, if Kafirs of the world and especially Kafirs of our Bharat Varsha, do not comprehend the nature of this beast ( that is, of the beast of Islam ), then all areas of Bharat Varsha, shall be swept over by Islam. Then there will be no other religion in India, except Islam..

    5. It needs to be understood that, Islam is by no means invincible. The wild ferocity of Islam, can not only be brought under control, but can be completely defeated. Hindus of India, as well as of Diospora, do want to defend their Hinduism, but they do not want to pay the price of Hinduism-Defense. In other worlds, Hindus desire a free-lunch, but there is no free lunch in life. Hindu’s lack of understanding of this important principle, is the cause all problems of the Hindus. What this means is that, most of the problems of the Hindus, are Hindus themselves.

    6. If Hindu ever understood the fundamentals of this formula, then miracles in the fortunes of Hinduism, shall not be far behind. If every Hindu in the world, decided to contribute 5 % of his income to Hinduism-Defense, then Hinduism-Defense shall have a vivacious-guard, and Islam shall have hell of a time, surviving in India, and elsewhere.

    7. For hundreds of years in India, during the rule of Moslem kings, Allah-Ho-Akbar, has rent the skies of India, and no Hindu knew what moment would be his last. With the passage of hundreds of years, it is about time now that, we Hindus do something to expel & evacuate this evil of Islam, from the land of our Bharat Varsha.

    Surinder Paul Attri


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