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ISIS threatens to kill Hindus of India in its magazine to avenge the Babri Masjid demolition.

To avenge the Babri Masjid and persecuted Muslims in Gujarat, Kashmir and Muzaffarnagar….

ISIS Magazine ‘Voice of Khurasan’ threatens Hindus and Bharat in its 32nd issue for a  massacre. 

KhurasanSabita Mishra | HENB | New Delhi | Feb 1, 2024:: On January 26th (Rajab 1445 14 Friday), the 32nd edition of ‘Voice of Khurasan’, an online magazine affiliated with the Islamic State, was disseminated across various social media and dark web platforms. In this recent release, ISIS issued threats specifically targeting Hindus and Hindutva leaders including BJP key persons, as hinted They warned of repercussions, citing concerns related to the illegal construction of Babri, the Gujarat Riots in 2002, and other issues including alleged Muslim persecution in India. The 32nd edition of ‘Voice of Khurasan’  surfaced on the internet on January 29-30, 2024 as published by Al-Azaim Foundation of  Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP).

In an article titled “Would you desire me to slay him?” there was a mention of the National Institute of Technology (Srinagar) matter where a Hindu boy was accused of using derogatory language against Prophet Mohammed.

In November 2023, a student at Srinagar National Institute of Technology (NIT), who was Hindu, faced charges of blasphemy for sharing a video on his Instagram story. The video featured Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of the Hamas leader, criticizing Prophet Muhammad. The Hindu student shared an already viral video where Yousef made critical remarks about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.

On Tuesday, following widespread protests and chanting at the NIT campus over the mentioned video, an FIR was filed against the Hindu student. Even though the video did not showcase the Hindu student and he was not its creator but rather had shared an edited version produced by a YouTuber, Muslim students at NIT Srinagar called for his arrest, alleging ‘blasphemy’.

The Muslims of NIT Srinagar and several other Islamists not only demanded his arrest but also raised ‘Sar Tan Se Juda’ slogans against the Hindu boy.

The mentioned student was in a relationship with a girl Muslim student at the same institute. Due to harassment from Islamists, the Hindu student had to leave Kashmir. Following the controversy, several Hindu students were relocated from Srinagar. Importantly, the Hindu student did not engage in any inappropriate behaviour; he simply shared a widely circulated video featuring the son of a Hamas leader.

ISIS highlighted that the incident occurred in a region where Muslims constitute the majority, considering it a “clear provocation to war.” The terror organization further asserted that it signalled a change in Kashmir, a place where non-Muslims, particularly Hindus, once concealed their opinions due to fear for their lives. According to ISIS, this increasing boldness suggests that if Hindus could dominate Muslims even temporarily, they would not allow Muslims to “live in peace.”

ISIS asserted that Muslims are being subjected to various forms of attacks in cities dominated by Hindus, often orchestrated by organizations like the RSS. These attacks, according to ISIS, encompass economic, physical, and psychological dimensions. To support their claim, the terror group referenced an unfortunate incident in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, where a woman was accidentally shot in the head by an Assistant Inspector.

Reports indicate that the 55-year-old woman, identified as Ishrat Nigar, visited the police station for passport verification. During the process, SI Manoj Sharma from a nearby police station arrived to collect his weapon. Unfortunately, the gun accidentally discharged while being handed over by a constable. Despite receiving treatment, the woman passed away at the hospital. Video evidence of the incident suggests it was an unfortunate accident, and legal procedures are being followed. However, ISIS has seized on the incident, portraying it as a case of government employees versus Muslims.

‘We are saying to the government of India…Yes! Indeed, we shall come with swords in our hands to slaughter you collectively—[Yes!] We shall come to avenge Babri masjid, [we shall come to avenge] the persecuted [Muslims] of Gujarat, Kashmir, Muzaffarnagar,” the magazine threatened alongside a picture of an ISIS terrorist wielding a knife and a kneeled captive wearing the archetype orange suit and sitting in front of him.

The ISIS-backed magazine continued to issue a threat of “Sar Tan Se Juda”, or slaughter, at the end of the article. ISIS referred to the statements of terrorist Fahad Tanveer Shaikh, also known as Abu Umar Al-Hindi, who had issued threats against Hindus. In 2016, a video featuring two ISIS terrorists from Kalyan surfaced on the internet.

Fahad Tanveer Shaikh and Aman Naeem Tandel were featured in the video, and reports suggested both were elevated to top leadership positions within the terror organization. Although the ISIS magazine attributed the threat against India and Hindus to Fahad, some reports indicated that the words used in the magazine were those of Aman. He had said, “We will return (to India), but with a sword in hand, the Babri Masjid, and the killings of Muslims in Kashmir, in Gujarat, and Muzaffarnagar.”

Fahad and Aman were among four Muslim boys who fled home to join ISIS in 2014. Fahad was killed in 2017. Aman was killed in 2016.

The threat in the article further read, “At last, it is obligatory upon the people of knowledge to safeguard the honour of the Prophet g and make it evident to the masses in time of fitna, and they are those who possess the knowledge to take a firm stand against that which demands attention!!”

Voice of Khurasan, an ISIS-backed magazine, commenced publication in 2021 and has released 32 issues as of January 2024. The magazine has consistently issued threats against Hindus and the Government of India in its previous editions. Additionally, it actively encourages Muslims to join and contribute funds to terrorist organizations.

Earlier, the same ISIS magazine ‘Voice of Khurasan’ issued threats to Indian PM Modi, RSS Chief Dr Mohan Bhagwat and Hindutva leader Dr Pravin Togadia  to face dire consequences under Islamic dictum. 

Quran, the Hand Book of Jihad, orders to kill infidels (Kuffars) in its various verses (ayats) openly.

Interestingly, such threats to Hindus, Jews or Christians and Ex-Muslims from the Islamist organizations never amount to any meaningful repercussions to denounce such a type of barbaric acts of a section of Muslim people by any international Judicial body, Peace Foundations or Human Rights forum.

__Inputs from My Ind Net.

2 comments on “ISIS threatens to kill Hindus of India in its magazine to avenge the Babri Masjid demolition.

  1. DR T . Naidoo
    February 3, 2024

    This is a clear indication that Islam is NOT a religion. It never was and never will be.

    Only cowards fight religion with weapons of death.


  2. Jaydip Sen
    February 4, 2024

    The ISIS terrorists shouldn’t forget that if necessary, the Indian army can easily wipe out the entire Muslim population. With the Bharatiya Janata party government India 🇮🇳is reckoned to be one of the most dominant military powers in the world. India believes in having no animus towards its neighboring countries all its military might notwithstanding. 3 times defeated fanatic race is bound to be seen as gutless. This is exactly what Islam really is. Islam is now undoubtedly far more barbaric than it used to be, and calling Islam a religion is certainly an affront to the dignity of God. We, Hindu patriots, desperately call for a blanket ban on Islamic madrasas where Muslim children are being taught everything about this deadly evil 😈. Neither India nor Hindus need to feel terrified of ISIS. ISIS is widely known to be a moribund militia group which we believe is barely able to cause any harm to the Hindu religion. Warn these religious zealots not to play with fire. Those who play with fire frequently get burned. Haven’t these Islamic idiots learnt yet that fire burns.


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